【已完結】狗狗鮮食料理烹飪班 - 章魚燒

Date Jun 11 (Sat) 3-5pm Jun 12 (Sun) 3-5pm
Presented by
Petisan x Captain and his squad

🐙 有冇聽過狗狗都可以食章魚燒?嚟緊 Captain and his squad 嘅 Captain 同埋媽媽 Christy 將會喺 Petisan 現場教大家整狗狗食嘅日式章魚燒,選用人類食用質素、冇激素、冇防腐劑嘅食材,一路玩一路煮同我哋嘅毛孩分享美食!

Come join us at Petisan to make doggie Takoyaki with Captain and his mama Christy! We use only human-grade nutritious ingredients for our cooking class. Don't miss the chance and let's have fun together!

⏰ 活動日期及時間 Workshop schedule:
Jun 11 (Sat), 3-5pm
Jun 12  (Sun), 3-5pm

📍 活動地點 Workshop Venue:
荃灣白田壩街45號南豐紗廠115號鋪 Petisan
Shop 115, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan

🔢 活動名額 Capacity Limit:
5 groups for each day

🗣 語言 Language:
Cantonese with some English if needed

💲活動費用 Participation Fee:
$438 / 每組(包含煮食材料、器皿使用)每組最多2人1狗。
$438 / group (includes ingredients and usage for equipment). Each group can have 2 people (max) and 1 dog.

所有最終成功參加活動的小組都可以獲得一張Petisan免費牛奶微泡Spa coupon(需配合沖涼服務一同使用)。
All participated group will receive a free Petisan Micro-bubble Spa coupon (need to be used together with bathing service).

如有任何查詢,閣下可以發電郵到或以WhatsApp +852 46622881聯絡。
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out via email  or WhatsApp to +852 46622881。

All right reserved by Petisan HK.